Chris: "Should we go north or south? Because, if we went north we could hang out in Canada, and I love Canadians. "
Drew: "We should go south."
Chris: "Okay, where?"
Drew "I dunno..."
Chris: "We could go to Yosemite and San Francisco. All I know is that I want to spend Easter on top of a sweet mountain."
Drew: "Can we go to a sweet black baptist church?"
Chris: "I don't think there will be a sweet black baptist church in Yosemite, I actually don't think there will be any church in Yosemite."
Drew: "Oh, yeah."
Ryan: (First time sharing any desire about our trip) "I don't want to go camping really, I actually don't want to go to San Francisco either, my family is from there and I have been there a lot of times."
Chris: "I have never been there, why don't you want to go?"
Ryan: "There are only three things
to do in San Francisco, Fisherman's Wharf, Alcatraz,
and the Golden Gate Bridge, beyond that it is just steep streets and weird people. I want to go to a beach and wear flip flops."
Chris: "I am not going to southern California."
Drew: " ... "
Ryan: " ... "
Chris: " We are gonna go to Ensenada, Mexico, and drink Pacificos and eat shrimp tacos while throwing the frisbee on the beach."
Drew: "Alright."
Ryan: "I don't even care where we go, just as long as the streets aren't steep."
So, here we are getting ready to drive a long way to some undisclosed beach in Mexico. I am excited, I love our neighbors down south. I just hope some of my spanish speaking skills come back on the drive down. We wanted to find a fourth person to go with us, and we happened to call a huge muscly Hawaiin guy named Keoni. He changed his work schedule around and decided to come too. Between drew and Keoni there will be at least 500 lbs of muscle sitting in my car, they are warriors. Drew's passport was in Seattle so his dad mailed it to his friend's house in San Diego, so hopefully that will be there too.
The Team

Drew Ragan, aka DJ Daddy Fat Lats

Ryan Smith, aka Young Ryan

Keone Tawata
Chris "Naked Lady"