Monday, February 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Bryan!!!

 Today my roommate, Bryan Alford, is turning twenty-one. I am excited about this because there have been many times during the last semester that I wanted to do things requiring you to be twenty-one, and he couldn't participate. If you don't know Bryan than let me tell you he is a passionate, loving individual who seeks intimacy and depth. 
Bryan, you have become an true brother. You have an incredible ability to be who you are, regardless of what people think, say or do. Your zeal for depth has carried you down many unique roads, and I am sure that your future will be no different. God does a seemingly strange job sometimes at introducing critical people into your life, and you have turned out to be just that, critical. You have taught me many things, most of which are yet to be realized. Our friendship has deepened over the past three years, but I can say over the past six months it has truly flourished. I have loved being your roommate. I am excited to grow along this journey of life with you as a friend. Thank you for everything. Happy birthday brother. 

Saturday, February 16, 2008


The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) is the psychologist's bible. It is enduring its sixth revision and in its 886 pages are the diagnostic criteria, treatment options and insurance coverage requirements to over 295 mental disorders. It was first published in 1952, by the American Psychiatric Association, and was adopted from an earlier classification system developed by the Bureau of the Census. Its first edition had only 106 mental disorders and quickly grew to 182 disorders with the release of the DSM-II. Early texts reflected the predominant psychiatry. In other words, symptoms were not specified explicitly, but were referenced as mere reflections of broader underlying conflicts or abnormal reactions to life problems. 

Since the introduction of the DSM-II, many contributions have been made by a variety of professionals. Of these contributions are 115 additional disorders,  the removal of more than twenty disorders (homosexuality, menopausal stress disorder and neurosis to name a few) a multitude of categories were renamed (ex: Bi-Polar disorder changed to Manic-Depressant Disorder), diagnostic criteria were updated and included symptom profiles, social and relational factors were also considered within the diagnostic criteria. As of right now, the DSM is undergoing another revision, which is expected to be released in early 2012. 

The DSM-IV is also used by more people than ever before. Historically, it was primarily used by mental health professionals to communicate a patient's diagnosis after an evaluation, but hospitals, clinics, insurance companies, counselors, and even school teachers have cracked it open to "gain a better understanding" of their patients, clients and students behaviors.  As you may have guessed, this has wrought a slew of political, relational and economic controversy. 

So why did I just give you a three paragraph history of something that you probably have never even heard of? Well, within the past week my eyes have been opened to the many criticisms concerning the use and misuse of this widely circulated book. One of my close friends has been sharing his struggles with the mental health industry on his blog, which has contributed to the awaking I have had during the last couple of weeks. If you are interested in a more personal account than check his blog out here. Also, there are many professional criticisms surrounding the DSM. 

Many believe that the practical reliability of the DSM suffers because it is based on statistical criteria rather than sound, interaction based, accounts. Others still believe that the DSM unjustly categorizes disorders, and that it fails to provide a thorough representation of the available evidence concerning the various disorders. Recently, Keyes (2006) wrote about the DSM's failure to acknowledge the importance of mental health. He argues that physicians and psychotherapists have placed too much emphasis on the eradication of mental illness, rather than the improvement of mental health. He released a convincing study showing the parallel nature of the two, and later discussed whether or not the mental health community should pursue mental health or the "curing" of mental illnesses. Naturally, whichever option we pursue, there will be pros and cons. 

Whether you support, disagree with, or have never had, or never will, have an opinion on this it is important to understand how our physicians decide whether or not we are crazy. Sadly I can't write any more about this right now. I am at Powell's Books in downtown Portland and the parking meter on my car ran out a while ago. Considering I have $40 dollars to my name right now, I am going to go so as not to get a ticket. I will write more later. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Fifteen Minutes...GO!!!

I am sitting here and I couldn't narrow down all of the crazy thoughts going on inside my head, so I decided just to write for five minutes straight and see what comes of it. 

A couple of days a go a great friend of mine left Portland to fly across the country to New York City. If any of you know Frank then you know that he is an incredibly passionate, eccentric, and unique individual. The best way to describe our seventeen day road trip through the west side of this beautiful country is...exceptional. Frank has never been to Colorado, Wyoming, Montana or Idaho, so we decided to drive from Longmont to Portland. On the way we stopped in Wyoming, Bozeman (for a week), Missoula, Cors de Lane, and the Dalles. It was a seventeen day trip, that was filled with great people, conversation, skiing, amazing food, wonderful weather, old friends, new friends, and a couple discoveries within those already existing friendships. When Frank flew out of Portland on Sunday night it felt as though I was coming down off a drug. The way he inspires and ignites a person into action is unlike anyone I have ever met. With all that said, Thank you for prioritizing our friendship. Thank you for coming here and for helping me reignite something within myself.

Last night as our local college ministry I was sitting there worshipping and could not stop thinking about what I would say if Jesus asked me what he asks his disciples, "what is it that you know about me?" I kept thinking about the implications of this question. Many would give Jesus the answer that they think he wants to hear. They would summarize the historical understanding of Jesus. Others would give Jesus an inflated understanding, exaggerating what they know and leaving out all the bits that they don't. I would imagine that I would try an impress his with what I have to say. I would tell paraphrase Brian McLaren's understanding, toss in a little of C.S. Lewis' and maybe sprinkle a bit of Rob Bell on top, but Jesus wants none of that. Jesus wants our experience, more specifically our relationship, to provide his truth. He wants us to have an active relationship filled with the confusion, doubts, struggles and joys that come with it. So, as I was sitting in church I was thinking about how I would answer this question. As I was thinking about this I went to the side of the room where the lord's supper was. I walked up grabbed a piece of bread and a small half ounce glass of grape juice. I slowly walked back to my place, while in deep worship, and thought even more how I would answer his question. While deep in thought, prayer and worship I took the bread to my mouth. Jesus seemed to have helped me out in answering his own questions. My eyes were closed, and I instantly saw the smiles, tears, hugs and laughter of hundreds of people that I care about. I couldn't get the faces of my best friends, family and serogant brothers out of my minds eye. Jesus has manifested his self, and more importantly his truth, in us. 

I am starting school and am excited about what that means. In five months I will have two degrees. In five months I will no longer be financially dependent on my family. In five months I may be riding my bike across the west side of this country. In five months a new world will suddenly stand before me.

(Sorry for the poor grammar and sentence structure)