Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bangkok or Bust... or Both

After reading the title to this blog, which I quickly wrote without much forethought, I chuckled a little bit. Anyways, I am leaving this magically dichotomous country known as India and I am headed to Thailand, which is getting a little more coverage in the press than the one I am in currently. I am a little nervous, but I am also meeting four strapping young men in two days. Yes. It will be awesome. I have not seen Drew or Ryan since October. Seeing Jordan and Erik is going to be great too. I have been missing my friends and family the last couple of days, especially during my thirty-eight hour train ride to Delhi on Easter. I do have a post that I would like to write about my Easter, but that will have to wait. Also, when I have some time I will post some photos from my six day trek along the Indian/Nepal border. Beautiful. Right now however, it is time for an hour long Tuk-Tuk ride through the maddening streets of Delhi. I am stoked. I hope all is well in bloggerville. I will be back.


CES said...

Chris, I am overwhelmed with excitement for your travels... Thailand is wonderful; Cambodia blew my mind. Get there. And give those 4 strapping young men big hugs from me... You are all in my thoughts and prayers!


Matt said...

MIss ya buddy. Thanks for the stories!

- Matt Smith