1. Every single person, whether they party, hook up with girls, believe in a different god, or speak the same language as me, have the ability to profoundly influence my understanding of Jesus, and God's heart for me.
2. I have an incredible group of people that I consider to be my friends and family back home, and our seperation during this time will only make those relationships more fruitfull.
3. New Zealanders show the hospitality spoken of in Hebrews 13 everyday everywhere, and hopefully being around them for five months will help me to lay down my time simply so that I may hear someones story, or help them to get to where they are going.
4. Guiness may be the best beer in the world...it is the only beer where the bubbles fall rather than rise to the top. I really like it a lot, this one is for McClintock.
5. My heart is capable of smiling, I never knew this until I was able to see how my inadequecies have been used by God to show someone else something about Christ.
6. When we accept ourselves for what we are, we decrease our hunger for power or acceptance of others because our self intimacy reinforces our inner sense of security. We are no longer preoccupied with being powerful or popular. We no longer fear criticism because we accept the reality of our human limitations.
8. Although New Zealand and the United States are very similar they differ in many ways, but no matter the cultural differences between people, everyone has inherintly been given the drive to be compassionate and loving.
9. I have learned a lot about what the gospel of grace really is. Grace means that I don't have to be a "christian" to be a Christian. I don't have to be involved with Younglife or any other Christian organization to be a follower of Christ. I can take Sundays to explore His beautiful creation, rather than go to church. I am a Christian, I have been given a grace that transcends my inadequecies as well as my accomplishments, I try to love others whereever I am at, and I love Jesus...and that is enough.
10. My flesh begins to burn after about 12 minutes of direct sunlight. It doesn't matter if I have a "base tan" or not. In all seriousness, it is a bummer that the most environmentally conscious country in the world got stuck with the hole right above them, which was the result of our environmental ignorance.
Welp. there's the list, hopefully it continues to grow the entire time I am here. Thanks for reading...
You amaze me Christopher. I am in such admiration of what you're learning and how you're learning to communicate that. We really miss you back here, campus life just isn't the same without you. But I know you going over there was really not a choice it's just what you had to do, so I'm glad you're doing it! Keep posting pics so i can continue living vicariously through you!
Wow. New Zealand has been most beneficial for you! That is really great to hear! The pictures are incredible! You have skills.
You're right, that is one of the best beers in the world. It's my number three right now actually.
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