Monday, February 12, 2007

Having to pay for internet is silly...

I am sitting here in an internet cafe in downtown Christchurch thinking about something witty and intelligent I could write about my brief experiences thus far, but I can't stop thinking about the fact that I am paying to surf the web.
Erik and I made it here, and it only took us 36 hours! I can't speak for Erik but I am definitely feeling the effects of prolonged airplane travel. We went out last night to a sweet Irish pub, in New Zealand, and listened to a Scottish guy play and sing American pop was great.
I hope that everyone is doing great, and I can't wait to hear about all of your amazing journeys. As soon as I don't have to pay money to write on this blog I will update it, and share some thoughts on what happens when people leave the communities, families, and environments that they are so accustomed to. I miss you all.

1 comment:

thebearwhisperer said...

Was nice to finally meet you the other day. Your mom misses you and wanted me to check and see that you are ok. You can email me updates or personal messages to your mom and I will make sure she gets them. Hope all is well. Craig