As many of you know I am about to embark on a wonderful journey to the Land of Zeal, Peter Jackson, and the Doubtless Sound. I am engaging on this wonderful adventure with my brother, Erik. He too as a place that he is expressing his thoughts and ideas. Originally we were going to have a joint blog, but during the template choosing process we realized that having a shared blog would probably end in disaster...seeing as how we couldn't really even agree on a password. His "online journal" can be found at http://betterthansmokesignals.blogspot.com . We will be linking between posts frequently.
Erik and I will be leaving tomorrow afternoon, and we will be traveling for a good day and a half. Needless to say I probably will not be adding anything for the next couple of days, or at least until we get situated. I hope that everyone who has and will read this is having a fantastic day and I will miss all of you dearly(except for the random people who have read this) . I thank everyone for the integral role that they have played in my being where I am at. In the same way, I know that the experiences that we have during our absence will only strengthen the already amazing community that we have. Goodbye for now.
I love and miss you Chris. I know Gods gonna bless you down there and teach you lots, so keep ur eyes open like i know you will. BYEBYE
I won't judge your writing. :) No worries here! Enjoy the plane ride...you're a stud.
I'm excited to be keeping up with how things are going in New Zealand. Miss you already Chris!
This blog is rad. What a good idea. I wish Joe Murray would keep one of these too. I dig the template. It looks so professional. The link is now bookmarked on my web browser so I'll be checking it often. Have a great time in the Land of Zeal.
Chrisy! Good work on the website, its got that dark sexy look to it, like all i can think about his you walkin around NZ with your shirt off...have fun! I need you here!
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